Dear Bereaved Parent Journal contains forty personal reflections from one bereaved parent to another with guided prompts to help you explore the complicated and painful feelings of living in the world after your child dies. It lets you know that you are not alone. At the same time, it gently encourages you to do the work to find your own path forward.

Knowing that life is not only about what happens to us but also about how we respond to what happens to us can free us to make choices that integrate our sorrow into a life of meaning and purpose.The prompts are separated into four categories:

  • In the Beginning, Early Days/Years
  • Other People & Socializing
  • Special Days
  • Finding Hope as Time Moves On

This journal is intended for all bereaved parents regardless of how much time has passed.
Many times, we don’t know how to comfort a friend or relative living with the deep sorrow of child loss. This journal can be a perfect gift when words fail us.

  • Perfectly sized at 6×9
  • Each prompt is followed by a fully lined page for reflection
  • Ten additional lined blank pages at the end for a total of 102 pages

Available on Amazon


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